What Were You Wearing? 

It Happens Here KCL is a society led by students at King’s College London, founded in 2021 with the aim to raise awareness on and prevent sexual assault, violence and harassment within our own community.

Here at IHH KCL, we are dedicated to moving towards a society free from sexual violence through education, support, and advocacy.

What is the exhibit about?

Inspired by an American art exhibit created by Jen Brockman and Dr. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert, “What Were You Wearing?" is an exhibition that shares the stories of survivors of sexual violence in our community by displaying the clothes they were wearing at the time of their assault. It aims to challenge the common idea that clothing can be "provocative" and justify sexual violence.

We firmly believe that it is time for everyone to come together to say no to sexual violence.

2021/22 Committee

Zoey Lyn
Natasha Yim
Elena Barreau
Julie Blomet
Tasya Budiono
Alice Mozer
India Humberstone

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